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This section is a running log of recent changes to the Program Information Exchange Data Definitions and related usage guidance. The most recent changes are at the top of the page.
Update History
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Detail for each update follows.
Updates on
1505/20 (Latest)
Award Verification Criteria. Added examples for transcripts, tax returns, financial aid letter, and academic references.
Blurb. Added examples for programs open to residents of specific boroughs.
Eligibility Criteria Detail. Several additions and changes:
Added guidance for condition criteria.
In GPA and test scores, added example for GPA range and a note regarding converting a percentage grade to a 4.0 scale.
In location and residence, added examples for residents of specific boroughs.
Eligibility Criteria Usage. Several additions and changes:
In current grade level, provided guidance on graduate students postgraduate law school, 5th year college undergraduate, and Nth year college undergraduate. Clarified distinction between “graduate degree” and “advanced degree.”
Is Merit Based. Clarified that program is merit based if designated for class valedictorian and/or salutatorian.
Updates on 1/15/20
Eligibility Criteria Detail. Addition:
Added guidance for class rank.
Eligibility Criteria Usage. Several additions and changes:
In academics, added an example value for minimum class rank percentage as well as a corresponding usage note.
In degree being sought, specified that professional certification, 1-year certificate, and graduate degree should not be selected unless noted in the program description or a provider’s FAQ.
Blurb. Added the word “programs” to existing blurbs for readability (i.e., The Adam Carroll Scholarship program awards need-based scholarships).
Updates on 12/31/19
Application URL.
Noted the lack of standardization in placement of the application URL by community foundations or other organizations that list multiple scholarships.
Blurb. Clarified that we typically won’t list names and contact information. Provided guidance on directing students to the school’s guidance office for additional information.
Eligibility Criteria Detail. Several additions and changes:
Expanded guidance around citizenship, particularly DREAMers and AB-540 students.
In school attendance, added a note regarding requirement that applicants be planning to attend a 4-year college or university and not a community college
Eligibility Criteria Usage. Several additions and changes:
In demographics, specified which values to select if scholarship provider used the term “minority” without defining the race or ethnicity.
In degree being sought, specified that no value should be selected if program description or FAQ does not specify the type of degree being sought.
In citizenship status, specified which values to select for DREAMers and AB-540 students.
Is Need Based. Clarified that a scholarship is need-based if a program indicates it considers financial need in any way.
Updates on 12/19/2019
Eligibility Criteria Detail. Several additions and changes:
Added guidance for religious titles and stylescriteria.
In ethnicity, race, and gender, added a note regarding use of the term “minority.”
In degree being sought, clarified the distinction between “Seeking a bachelor’s degree” and “Planning to attend a 2- or 4-year…” with a preference for “Seeking a bachelor’s degree.”
Revised “Preference given to...” criteria from a bullet point to a sentence at the end of the criteria list separated by a paragraph break.
Updates on 10/18/2019
Added an entry for Application Type. Clarified rules around Online vs. PDF entries.
Award Amount. Clarified that “Average Amount” is okay to use if we don’t have a range.
Application URL.
Clarified that we typically won’t link to a PDF document.
Noted that close attention should be paid to this data point during QA, especially near application open dates.
Eligibility Criteria Detail. Several additions and changes:
Added guidance for religion, faith, and belief system criteria. Noted in membership criteria that membership in a church should be included in the religion criteria section.
In degree being sought, clarified that “Majoring in..." or "Seeking a major in..." are equivalent to "Studying for a degree in..." and "Seeking a bachelor's degree in..." and should be listed thus.
Added an Independent student status example with usage details.
Logo. Clarified that the logo file dimensions not have to be square, meaning such as 300 x 250px are fine.
Corrections and cleanup throughout, such as removing stray references to “associates degree” and similar.
Updates on 9/20/2019
Eligibility Criteria Detail. Updated incorrect guidance regarding associate degree listings. The guide variously and incorrectly used “associate’s degree” and “associates degree” in examples throughout.
Updates on 8/25/2019
Eligibility Criteria Detail. Added a note regarding “Preference given to…” criteria.