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Standard Name: Scholarship Program Exchange

Affiliation Entity

Profession Codes
Standard ID: NSPA-SPE-


Issued By: NSPA
Version: 1.


0d-1 (Initial Release Version)
Obsoletes: --
Obsoleted By: --


The purpose of the NSPA-SPE-

AE code

PRO list is to define

and standardize values we can use to refer unambiguously to

occupations in the context of scholarship eligibility and applications.

Values are in U.S. English, and generally align with U.S. usage (as will be immediately obvious to anyone who plays football/soccer). However, the code list does not put any restrictions on how sending or receiving systems represent these values to an end-user. The values are simply those used to convey a precise meaning for data exchange.

This list contains an “Other” value.


In the Scholarship Exchange, an activity is a sport, hobby, a vocation, or similar active pursuit. Contrast with the Interest criteria, which indicates an enjoyment or spectator role.

This list is hierarchical, which allows scholarship filtering and matching systems to “know” that a student who reports participation in the marching band is also eligible for scholarships that require activity in music, generally. The list also notes common synonyms, which clarifies and expands the definition of each activity.


In the NSPA Exchange, a profession is a career, job, or occupation. The list is updated as specific programs are found that relate different professions.

Note that elsewhere in the NSPA Exchange data model, we use the very detailed, hierarchical Standard Occupational Classification codes (SOC Codes) to indicate current professions. The programs we’ve seen to date are less specific about future profession requirements than about current profession requirements — but, if we discover a similar breadth to future professions, we will consider unifying the list.


This official and detailed list may be consulted to fill in logical gaps or to standardize values on the current code list:

List of Profession Codes

Profession Hierarchy

Synonym List

Profession | Accountant


Profession | Administrative Worker

Administrative Assistant | Secretary

Profession | Advertising

Profession | Architect

Profession | Banker

Profession | Beautician


Profession | Bookseller

Profession | Brewer

Profession | Broker

Profession | Business Owner

Profession | Clerical Worker

Administrative Assistant | Secretary

Profession | Coal Industry Worker

Profession | Communications Worker

Profession | Construction Worker

Profession | Consultant

Profession | Engineer

Profession | Entertainer

Singer | Dancer | Actor

Profession | Environmental Scientist

Profession | Family Services

Profession | Financial Services Professional

Profession | Food Service Worker

Waiter/Waitress | Nutrition/Dietary Aide

Profession | Foreign Service

Foreign Service Officer | Foreign Service Professional

Profession | Fund Raiser


Profession | Funeral Service Director

Funeral Director | Undertaker | Mortician

Profession | General Contractor

Profession | Graphic Design

Profession | Homemaker

Stay at Home

Profession | Human Resources Manager


Profession | Human Resources Worker


Profession | Information Science

Profession | Insurance Industry Worker

Profession | Interior Decorator

Interior Designer

Profession | Importer

Profession | Ironworker

Profession | Journalist


Profession | Landscape Architect

Profession | Landscaper

Profession | Librarian

Profession | Manager

Profession | Marketer

Profession | Mathematician

Profession | Public Relations


Profession | Real Estate Agent

Profession | Researcher

Profession | Sales

Profession | Small Business Owner

Profession | Steelworker

Profession | Technology Worker

Technologist | IT

Profession | Transportation Worker

Profession | Utility Worker

Profession | Veterinarian

Profession | Volunteer

Profession | Agriculture | Farmer

Profession | Agriculture | Migrant Farm Worker

Profession | Agriculture | Rancher or Manager

Profession | Agriculture | Seasonal Worker

Profession | Artist | Theater Artist

Profession | Artist | Performing Artist

Profession | Artist | Fine Art

Profession | Athletics | Golf Caddie

Profession | Athletics | Golfer

Profession | Aviation | Air Traffic Controller

Profession | Aviation | Aviator

Profession | Dental | Dental Hygienist

Profession | Dental | Dentist

Profession | Educator | Administrative

Profession | Educator | Child Care

Early Childhood Education

Profession | Educator | Student Affairs

Profession | Educator | Teacher

Profession | Educator | Tutor

Profession | Healthcare | Counselor

Profession | Healthcare | Nutritionist

Profession | Healthcare | Pharmacist

Profession | Healthcare | Physician

Profession | Healthcare | Registered Nurse

Profession | Healthcare | Social Worker

Profession | Government | Elected Government Official

Profession | Government | Non-Elected Government Official

Profession | Hospitality | Hotel Manager

Profession | Hospitality | Hotel Worker

Profession | Hospitality | Travel Agent

Profession | Public Service | Firefighter

Profession | Public Service | Police Officer

Profession | Religious | Minister

Profession | Other