The NSPA-SPE-CCAT list provides values for college categories, which typically represent the population served by an institution.
Standard Name: Listing Flag List Standard ID: NSPA-SPE-CCAT-1.0-1 Issued By: NSPA Version: 1.0-1 (Initial Release Version) Obsoletes: -- Obsoleted By: --
The purpose of the NSPA-SPE-CCAT list is to define and standardize values used to describe the population served by an institution.
In the context of the NSPA scholarship program ecosystem, the college category is used in defining eligibility or award use criteria. For example, some awards may only be used at an HBCU or Hispanic-Serving Institution.
List of Legitimacy Concern Codes
Listing + Metadata
The full listing including all metadata is available here: College Category List (read-only Google Sheet, no login required).