As of October 1, 2020, Scholar Snapp Central API functionality is hosted by the College Board. See the College Board Website for details.

API Reference

This page collects basic reference material about the Scholar Snapp API

Primary API Endpoints

See the API Overview for context about how each endpoint is used.

OAuth Authorization
OAuth Token

HTTP Status Codes

The following is a summary of HTTP status codes and a brief description.

200 - OKGET, POST: Request was successful.
304 - Not ModifiedGET: Client should use cached resource.
400 - Bad RequestGET: The user authenticated successfully, but the user has no Snapp Profile.
POST: The file was received, but does not pass validation against the Snapp Profile specification.
401 - UnauthorizedGET, POST: Authorization code or bearer token is invalid.
404 - Not FoundGET, POST: API URL requested does not exist.
500 - Internal Server ErrorGET, POST: Server-side processing error.
503 - Service UnavailableGET, POST: Service is down for maintenance.

The Snapp platform host will respond with this status for legitimate maintenance issues such as when the internal network, platform, or other component is down for maintenance. The same status is used for other conditions such as a request timeout. Since the same error is returned for both transient and non-transient conditions, contact Scholar Snapp support for investigation and resolution if a 503 error persists.

The majority of errors we diagnose on POST are due to invalid XML data files. So for any error or unexpected result on POST, an ideal first step in client-side troubleshooting is to see if the XML validates against the target version of the Snapp Profile XSD. The Snapp API will attempt to recover information from files that do not pass validation, but this is not always possible.
