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Standard Name: Scholarship Program Exchange


Condition Codes
Standard ID: NSPA-SPE-AC-1.0-1
Issued By: NSPA
Version: 1.0-1 (Initial Release Version)
Obsoletes: --
Obsoleted By: --


The purpose of the NSPA-SPE-


C code list is to define and standardize values we can use to refer unambiguously to


health conditions in the context of scholarship eligibility and applications. Values are in U.S. English, and generally align with U.S. usage


. However, the code list does not put any restrictions on how sending or receiving systems represent these values to an end-user. The values are simply those used to convey a precise meaning for data exchange.

This list contains an “Other” value.


In the Scholarship Exchange,


This list is hierarchical, which allows scholarship filtering and matching systems to “know” that a student who reports participation in the marching band is also eligible for scholarships that require activity in music, generally. The list also notes common synonyms, which clarifies and expands the definition of each activity.



a condition can be a medical disease, disability, or health-related attribute.


While the ICD-10 manual contains a very comprehensive and specific list of health diagnoses, locating the more general conditions within this classification system may prove overwhelming for this purpose. This is due to the fact that scholarship program requirements for health conditions are typically less detailed/exclusionary than the ICD-10 diagnosis categories. However, more general lists from external sources such as the CDC and Mayo Clinic do not include all of the conditions currently on the NSPA code list. To ensure this list is adequately detailed yet not overly complex, it is advisable to confirm that the general ICD-10 chapters/conditions are included, and to reference external sources such as the CDC and Mayo Clinic while also accounting for other programs for conditions not included on these lists.