Condition List - v1.0d-1
Standard Name: Scholarship Program Exchange Condition List
Standard ID: NSPA-SPE-COND-1.0-1
Issued By: NSPA
Version: 1.0d-1 (Initial Release Version)
Obsoletes: --
Obsoleted By: --
The NSPA-SPE-COND list outlines health conditions that are related to scholarship programs.
In the Scholarship Exchange, a condition can be a medical disease, disability, or health-related attribute.
Existing condition lists such as the current ICD-10 manual contain a comprehensive and specific list of health diagnoses (e.g., W59.21XS - Turtle bite sequela). However, the comprehensiveness of these sources makes them impractical for use in the NSPA Exchange. Locating the more general conditions within this classification system also proves overwhelming for the purpose of encoding scholarship eligibility. Scholarship program requirements for health conditions are typically less detailed or exclusionary than the ICD diagnosis categories, and are often phrased colloquially.
Less comprehensive and general lists from external sources such as the CDC and Mayo Clinic do not include all of the conditions already found in the current program list.
To ensure this list is adequately detailed yet not overly complex, many general ICD chapters and conditions are included, the CDC and Mayo Clinic lists are referenced, and other conditions not included in these sources are added as associated programs are found.
The following sources were used to fill logical gaps in the list:
List of Condition Codes
Condition Hierarchy | Synonym List |
Condition | ALS | Lou Gehrig's Disease | Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
Condition | Completed a Rehabilitation Program | Â |
Condition | Left-Handedness | Â |
Condition | Non-Smoker | Â |
Condition | Pregnant | Â |
Condition | Severe Medical Condition | Any Serious Medical Adversity |
Condition | Chronic Disease | Â |
Condition | Diabetes | Â |
Condition | Tremors | Essential Tremor |
Condition | Epilepsy | Seizure Disorder | Seizures |
Condition | Heart Disease | Â |
Condition | Mortal Disease | Â |
Condition | Kidney Disease | Â |
Condition | Lyme Disease | Â |
Condition | MDS | Bone Marrow Failure Disorder |
Condition | HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus | AIDS |
Condition | Organ Transplant | Â |
Condition | Auditory Disability | Hearing Impairment | Hard of Hearing |
Condition | Auditory Disability | Deafness | Hard of Hearing |
Condition | Inflammatory Disease | Â |
Condition | Autoimmune Disease | Aplastic Anemia | Â |
Condition | Autoimmune Disease | Crohn's Disease | Inflammatory Bowel Disease | IBD |
Condition | Autoimmune Disease | Lupus | Â |
Condition | Autoimmune Disease | Multiple Sclerosis | MS |
Condition | Autoimmune Disease | Parkinson's Disease | Â |
Condition | Behavioral Health | Mental Condition |
Condition | Behavioral Health | Addiction | Â |
Condition | Behavioral Health | ADHD | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder |
Condition | Behavioral Health | Alcoholism | Â |
Condition | Behavioral Health | Bipolar Disorder | Â |
Condition | Behavioral Health | Recovered from Addiction | Â |
Condition | Behavioral Health | Recovered from Alcoholism | Â |
Condition | Behavioral Health | Schizoaffective Disorder | Â |
Condition | Cancer | Affected by Cancer |
Condition | Cancer | Breast Cancer | Â |
Condition | Cancer | Leukemia | Â |
Condition | Cancer | Treated for Life Threatening Cancer | Â |
Condition | Injury | Injury at Birth | Â |
Condition | Injury | Injury from Car Accident | Â |
Condition | Injury | Traumatic Brain Injury | Â |
Condition | Bleeding Disorder | Bleeding Disorder | Hemophilia | Von Willebrand Disease |
Condition | Bleeding Disorder | Hemophilia | Bleeding Disorder |
Condition | Bleeding Disorder | PNH | Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria |
Condition | Genetic Condition | Cystic Fibrosis | Â |
Condition | Genetic Condition | Osteogenesis Imperfecta | Â |
Condition | Genetic Condition | Sickle Cell Disease | Â |
Condition | Genetic Condition | Stickler Syndrome | Â |
Condition | Disability | Special Needs |
Condition | Disability | Developmental Disability | Autism | Autism Spectrum Disorder |
Condition | Disability | Developmental Disability | Cerebral Palsy | CP |
Condition | Disability | Developmental Disability | Down Syndrome | DS |
Condition | Disability | Developmental Disability | Hydrocephalus | Â |
Condition | Disability | Developmental Disability | Speech Impairment | Speech Delay | Speech Impediment |
Condition | Disability | Physical Disability | Cleft Palate | Â |
Condition | Disability | Physical Disability | Dwarfism | Â |
Condition | Disability | Physical Disability | Missing Limb | Â |
Condition | Disability | Physical Disability | Paralysis | Â |
Condition | Disability | Learning Disability | Â |
Condition | Disability | Learning Disability | Dyslexia | Learning Disability |
Condition | Disability | Physical Disability | Â |
Condition | Disability | Physical Disability | Nutcracker Syndrome | Â |
Condition | Disability | Physical Disability | Spinal Deformity | Â |
Condition | Disability | Physical Disability | Wheelchair User | Wheelchair-Bound |
Condition | Disability | Visual Disability | Visual Disability | Visual Impairment |
Condition | Disability | Visual Disability | Blindness | Visual Impairment |
Condition | Disability | Visual Disability | Legally Blind | Visual Impairment |
Condition | Disability | Visual Disability | Low Vision | Visual Impairment |
Condition | Other | Â |