The NSPA-SPE-FIELD list contains professions associated with scholarship programs.
Standard Name: Scholarship Program Exchange Field of Study Codes Standard ID: NSPA-SPE-FIELD-1.0-1 Issued By: NSPA Version: 1.0e-1 (Initial Release Version) Obsoletes: -- Obsoleted By: --
The purpose of the NSPA-SPE-FIELD list is to define fields of study related to scholarship program eligibility criteria.
In the NSPA List definitions, a field of study can apply to future intentions, current, or past fields of study. The list roughly analogous to a college major, but is not intended to cover majors exhaustively.
CIP Codes (2020). The NSPA List of definitions maps to the Classification of Instructional Programs Code values (CIP Codes) issued by the U.S. Department of Education. The NSPA data model allows for one or more CIP Codes to be associated with each Field of Study entry.
NSPA Members. Multiple NSPA members provided input and insight into the Field of Study list.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security STEM List. The U.S. DHS publishes a list of CIP Codes it considers to be STEM-focused.
This official and detailed list may be consulted to fill in logical gaps or to standardize values on the current code list: