This section is a running log of recent changes to the Program Information Exchange data definitions and usage guide. The most recent changes are at the top of the page.
Updates on 10/28/2019 (Latest)
Added an entry for Application Type. Clarified rules around Online vs. PDF entries.
Award Amount. Clarified that “Average Amount” is okay to use if we don’t have a range.
Application URL.
Clarified that we typically won’t link to a PDF document.
Noted that close attention should be paid to this data point during QA, especially near application open dates.
Eligibility Criteria Detail. Several additions and changes:
Added guidance for religion, faith, and belief system criteria. Noted in membership criteria that membership in a church should be included in the religion criteria section.
In degree being sought, clarified that “Majoring in..." or "Seeking a major in..." are equivalent to "Studying for a degree in..." and "Seeking a bachelor's degree in..." and should be listed thus.
Added an Independent student status example with usage details.
Logo. Clarified that the logo file does not have to be a square.
Updates on 9/25/2019
Eligibility Criteria Detail. Added a note regarding “Preference given to…” criteria.