Program Information - Writing Style & Editorial FAQ

Program Information - Writing Style & Editorial FAQ

THIS SITE DOCUMENTS A PREVIOUS VERSION. The most recent version is documented here.

This page contains frequently asked questions about editing the Scholar Program Information entries. It supplements the data definitions and style guidance on the Program Information Exchange Data Definitions page. 



The data source for a program record only provided a threadbare description. What should we do for a Blurb?

It's okay to synthesize a Blurb from the eligibility criteria or other contextual information about a program. For example, community foundations sometimes have light descriptions, but one can infer that the scholarship benefits members of a particular community, at a particular current grade level, perhaps with some restrictions on which high school an applicant is attending in their senior year. You should feel free to create a simple description based on these kinds of criteria.

The data source for a program record had eligibility criteria in the description that weren't listed as criteria in the structured list. Should we add that to the Eligibility Criteria Detail and code the value in the Eligibility Criteria?

Yes, absolutely.

Of course, if you see indications that the source has a data entry error (e.g., where nothing tracks between the original description and the original detailed criteria) then don't bother — and flag the entry for independent review.

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