Standard Name: Scholarship Program Exchange Condition Codes Standard ID: NSPA-SPE-AC-1.0-1 Issued By: NSPA Version: 1.0-1 (Initial Release Version) Obsoletes: -- Obsoleted By: --
The NSPA-SPE-C code list is defines health conditions that are related to scholarship programs.
This list contains an “Other” value.
In the Scholarship Exchange, a condition can be a medical disease, disability, or health-related attribute.
While the current ICD-10 manual contains a very comprehensive and specific list of health diagnoses, locating the more general conditions within this classification system proves overwhelming for this purpose. This is due to the fact that scholarship program requirements for health conditions are typically less detailed/exclusionary than the ICD diagnosis categories. However, more general lists from external sources such as the CDC and Mayo Clinic do not include all of the conditions already included on the NSPA code list.
To ensure this list is adequately detailed yet not overly complex, the general ICD chapters/conditions are included, the CDC and Mayo Clinic lists are referenced, and other programs for conditions not included in these sources are still accounted for.