Demographic Criteria List - v1.0d-1
Standard Name: Scholarship Program Exchange Demographic Criteria List
Standard ID: NSPA-SPE-DC-1.0-1
Issued By: NSPA
Version: 1.0d-1 (Initial Release Version)
Obsoletes: --
Obsoleted By: --
The purpose of the NSPA-SPE-DC list is to define and standardize values used to refer unambiguously to demographic criteria in the context of scholarship eligibility and applications.
In the Scholarship Exchange, demographic criteria includes coding for concepts such as gender, ethnicity, race, heritage, and ancestry. These values are inclusive of how eligibility criteria are actually stated today by program providers, and we work hard to minimize offense. Awkwardly, this well-meaning effort to connect scholars with opportunities for which they might be eligible causes unintended offense — with an ideal scholarship candidate sometimes objecting to the terms used by a program in describing their eligibility.
Gender is defined as how an individual identifies with male and female characteristics in their social construct. This may or may not align with one’s biological sex. A person’s gender is separate from their sexual orientation.
Race is explained as “a division of mankind possessing traits that are transmissible by descent and sufficient to characterize it as a distinct human type”. Race(s) are self-identifiable and individuals can identify with more than one. The current list entries are harmonized with the U.S. Census Bureau list of races.
Ancestry refers to one’s heritage or line of descent. Individuals may identify with more than one ancestry. The primary values from this list were based on scholarships actually seen, but normalized against the most common entries in the U.S. Census Bureau last of ancestries.
In an effort to be inclusive and comprehensive, the following information was referenced for the code list:
U.S. Census Bureau
The code list aligns with the values used by the U.S. Census Bureau for consistency and standardization purposes.
List of Demographic Criteria Codes
Demographic Hierarchy | Synonym List |
Gender | Male |
Gender | Female |
LGBTQIA+ | Intersex |
LGBTQIA+ | Transgender Male to Female | Transgender Woman | Trans Woman |
LGBTQIA+ | Transgender Female to Male | Transgender Man | Trans Man |
LGBTQIA+ | Transgender | Trans | Trans* |
LGBTQIA+ | Genderqueer | Non-binary |
LGBTQIA+ | Lesbian |
LGBTQIA+ | Gay |
LGBTQIA+ | Bisexual |
LGBTQIA+ | Asexual |
LGBTQIA+ | Prefer to Self-Identify |
Race | American Indian or Alaska Native |
Race | Alaska Native |
Race | American Indian |
Race | Asian |
Race | Black or African American |
Race | Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Race | Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | Native Hawaiian |
Race | White |
Ancestry | Albanian |
Ancestry | Arabic |
Ancestry | Armenian |
Ancestry | Austrian |
Ancestry | Belgian |
Ancestry | Brazilian |
Ancestry | British |
Ancestry | Bohemian |
Ancestry | Cambodian |
Ancestry | Caribbean | Afro-Caribbean |
Ancestry | Cherokee |
Ancestry | Chinese |
Ancestry | Colombian |
Ancestry | Croatian |
Ancestry | Cuban |
Ancestry | Czech | Czechoslovakian |
Ancestry | Danish |
Ancestry | Dominican |
Ancestry | Dutch |
Ancestry | Egyptian |
Ancestry | English |
Ancestry | Ecuadorian |
Ancestry | Filipino |
Ancestry | Fijian |
Ancestry | Finnish |
Ancestry | French |
Ancestry | German |
Ancestry | Greek |
Ancestry | Guatemalan |
Ancestry | Guyanese |
Ancestry | Haitian |
Ancestry | Hmong |
Ancestry | Honduran |
Ancestry | Hungarian |
Ancestry | Irish |
Ancestry | Italian |
Ancestry | Jamaican |
Ancestry | Japanese |
Ancestry | Jewish |
Ancestry | Korean |
Ancestry | Laotian |
Ancestry | Lebanese |
Ancestry | Libyan |
Ancestry | Lithuanian |
Ancestry | Mexican | Mexicano | Mexican American |
Ancestry | Navajo |
Ancestry | Nicaraguan |
Ancestry | Nigerian |
Ancestry | Norwegian |
Ancestry | Pakistani |
Ancestry | Panamanian |
Ancestry | Pennsylvania German |
Ancestry | Peruvian |
Ancestry | Polish |
Ancestry | Portuguese |
Ancestry | Puerto Rican |
Ancestry | Romanian |
Ancestry | Russian |
Ancestry | Scottish |
Ancestry | Salvadoran |
Ancestry | Samoan |
Ancestry | Serbian |
Ancestry | Slovak |
Ancestry | Slovene |
Ancestry | Somalian |
Ancestry | South Asian |
Ancestry | South Asian | Afghani |
Ancestry | South Asian | Indian |
Ancestry | South Asian | Iranian |
Ancestry | South Asian | Nepali |
Ancestry | Spanish | Spanish American | Spaniard |
Ancestry | Sudanese |
Ancestry | Swedish |
Ancestry | Swiss |
Ancestry | Syrian |
Ancestry | Taiwanese |
Ancestry | Thai |
Ancestry | Trinidadian |
Ancestry | Turkish |
Ancestry | Ukrainian |
Ancestry | Vietnamese |
Ancestry | Welsh |
Ancestry | Yemeni |
Ancestry | Yugoslavian |
Ethnicity | Hispanic |
Other | Other |